Wider road shoulders and new safety barriers are among the improvements being rolled out to deliver safer and smoother journeys for thousands of motorists who use Lismore to Bangalow Road each day.
Nationals Member of the Legislative Council Ben Franklin said the $11 million safety improvements were progressing well.
“These improvements will ensure road users complete their journeys safely every day, and they will also help sustain jobs in local communities,” Mr Franklin said.
“The Lismore to Bangalow Road project is sourcing materials from local suppliers and employing local contractors, delivering on the NSW Government’s commitment to maintaining jobs in regional communities.”
Mr Franklin said work at Bexhill was now complete, where crews have rebuilt the road, widened road shoulders, and installed new safety barriers and drainage.
“Crews have also completed work on Wilsons Creek Bridge at Nashua to clear vegetation and improve the stability of bridge abutments,” Mr Franklin said.
“Work on the bridge abutments also used recycled rock excavated from another section of the project, saving resources.”
Mr Franklin said following extensive community consultation, work is progressing on safety improvements at Clunes.
“This involves resurfacing the road, widening road shoulders and building a new 800-metre overtaking lane between Eureka Road and Kirklands Lane,” Mr Franklin said.
“The community was consulted about the design of an access road to be built between Stewarts Road and Kirklands Lane.
“This design has now been finalised and the community will be kept informed about the project as development continues.”
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