Motorists will soon be enjoying safer travel on the Bruxner Highway with work starting next week to upgrade a section of road about seven kilometres west of Lismore.
Local Nationals Member of the Legislative Council Ben Franklin said the NSW Government is funding this $4 million project, including $1 million from the Safer Roads program, to improve safety on a 1.4 kilometre section of road.
“The Bruxner Highway is a busy thoroughfare linking Lismore and Casino, used by 8500 motorists each day, including 1250 heavy vehicles,” Mr Franklin said.
“Improving safety and pavement quality on this road will help ensure those drivers and passengers complete their journeys safely and return home to their loved ones.”
Mr Franklin said this project will support 75 local jobs for workers, contractors and suppliers while work is carried out.
“Improvement work will start from Monday 18 October and includes rebuilding and widening the road and shoulders to create a smoother and safer road surface,” Mr Franklin said.
“To reduce impact to motorists, work will be carried out in stages, with about 400 metres of the road to be treated in each stage to help reduce traffic delays.”
Work will be carried out from 6am to 6pm on weekdays and from 8am to 1pm on Saturdays, and is expected to take about five months to complete, weather permitting.
Lane closures and a 40 km/h speed limit will be in place during work hours for the safety of workers and road users.
Motorists are advised to allow up to five minutes extra travel time, drive to the conditions, and follow the directions of signs and traffic control.
Transport for NSW thanks motorists for their patience during this time.
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