The NSW Government is rolling out a $47 million program across NSW to improve social housing for tenants and create local jobs for trades and businesses.
The Social Housing Maintenance Stimulus will upgrade properties in the Ballina and Lismore electorates and ensure those in social housing have improved homes to live in.
Nationals Member of the Legislative Council Ben Franklin said it was great to see the Stimulus being rolled out across NSW and that the Northern Rivers would really benefit.
“The Liberal and Nationals Government is investing $2.2 million in Ballina and Lismore electorates alone to conduct important maintenance work and upgrades to social housing in our area,” Mr Franklin said.
“This will include fencing, painting and roofing upgrades which will provide jobs for local businesses and trades.
“These works are important to improve the liveability and standard of social housing properties.”
This is part of the NSW Government’s $2.3 billion COVID-19 stimulus package to help support local communities and local jobs.
Minister for Water, Property and Housing, Melinda Pavey, said by mid-May all works orders were issued by the LAHC, representing a 100 per cent commitment on delivery of the State-wide program.
“Over the past twelve weeks, more than 2,400 new work orders have been issued, providing about $4 million extra per week in critical maintenance spending. These works will improve over 2,200 dwellings, and another 200 buildings, grounds and complexes in NSW.”
Minister Pavey said the $47 million stimulus has also supported over 500 jobs in mostly building and construction trades, while making much needed capital upgrades to social housing properties in regional and metropolitan communities.
“This unprecedented crisis calls for different thinking and innovative approaches and that’s exactly what we’re doing with this stimulus maintenance program,” Minister Pavey said.
“We’re providing a boost to jobs, supporting the NSW economy and local communities while backing vulnerable people by improving social housing.”
Over $500,000 will be spent across the Ballina electorate and over $1.7 million across the Lismore electorate.
A similar stimulus works program costing $13.5 million is being undertaken through the Aboriginal Housing Office with a focus on improving living conditions and reducing cost of living pressures for Aboriginal tenants in regional and remote NSW.
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